Join Us

Leave us the message, our stylist will contact you by your preferred method/channel.


  1. What are you going to do with my information? Will you share my information?
    We use the information to make recommendations. That’s it. My friend.
  2. Do I have to buy from you guys after recommendation has been made?
    By asking for recommendations, you made no committment to purchase. Feel free to ask.
  3. What if I’m want to return/exchange?
    Leave your stylist a message and he/she will take good care of you.
  4. Why should I buy from you, not your competitors?
    Well, my friend, we offer a friendship-wise service and a competitive price. We are just a humble player in this industry.
  5. What if I just want some suggestion/recommendation?
    Oh my friend, that’s totally fine. We are pretty confident that, there will be a day when you would want to save some time and get the package from us.
  6. What if I can’t find my PERSONAL stylist?
    Well, if your per-personal stylist is off for a vacation, her/his co-worker will learn your profile and help you. We can drag him/her out of the lovely beach of Hawaii if you want to play brutal. It’s all about you, my friend.